
Cleaning to Reduce Allergies

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Business Hygiene

It’s almost that time of year when the outdoors starts to bloom, This is also the time of year when the allergy forecast is at its highest. Everyone has heard of ‘Spring Cleaning’, but did you know there is ‘Allergen Cleaning’ also? There are several areas that are traps for allergen causing materials that could be focused on as well as cleaning in a way to prevent the spread of allergens.

There are several things that could be done to prevent allergies year round. One thing is to use HEPA filters.  These remove 97% of microscopic particles in the air. These types of filters could be purchased for vacuums, HVAC systems, and air purifiers.  Another thing is to repair leaks as soon as they are noticed. Even the smallest of leaks could cause water buildup where you can’t see and cause mold growth. Also, when cleaning use fragrance-free products because scents could irritate people’s allergies.  Consider using air sanitizers instead of air fresheners.

There are several areas that people don’t think about when cleaning that are collectors of dust and other airborne particles that could cause allergies.  Bookshelves full of books are collectors of dust if the books aren’t read regularly. When cleaning a bookshelf, take the books outside to dust them off and then use a cloth dampened with a cleaning agent that is safe for the shelf to wipe it down.  Stacks of magazines are also huge collectors of dust. Consider recycling them or placing them in a closed container if you are saving them. If there are shelves with knick-knacks or items that don’t get moved often, clean them using the same steps as the bookshelf.

Anything that is made of fabric is going to collect airborne particles.  Curtains and table linens should be washed in warm water and dried on high heat to remove particles and kill any dust mites.  Hire a professional to steam-clean carpets and furniture. Shampooing your carpets and furniture are good for cleaning them, but not for removing allergens due to the added moisture.

When cleaning to help remove allergens, clean efficiently.  Always clean from top to bottom, left to right, and inside to outside.  Cleaning this way prevents allergens from getting to areas you have already cleaned.  When dusting, trap dust, don’t spread. Don’t use a feather duster because this will only cause the dust particles to go into the air.  Instead, use a microfiber cloth dampened with a cleaning product that is safe for use on the surfaces that you are dusting.

Cleaning to prevent allergens is not that different than regular cleaning, you just need to give extra attention to areas that have a lot of dust.  Taking these steps when cleaning will help remove and prevent allergy causing particles. This will significantly increase air quality and life quality for those who are allergy sufferers.  

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