
7 Common Germ Hot Spots in the Workplace

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Business Hygiene

Our society has become quite conscious of germs. We know they are all around us and we constantly hear about their effects. However, despite our heightened awareness there are a number of places that are ‘hot spots’ for germs that often are overlooked. Many of therm are right in our workplace and are often not even thought about. Workers should always wash their hands with soap and water, use hand sanitizer or wipes and keep their hands away from their eyes, nose and mouth. Beyond that, these hot spots should be cleaned frequently as part of a regular office sanitation routine.

Elevator Buttons

Hundreds of people ride on and touch elevators everyday. That means everyday different hands are touching and spreading germs to elevator buttons. These buttons are most likely loaded with germs. Be sure that these are wiped down several times a week in order to keep them nice and sterile for employees and guests that may ride in the elevator.


Weather it’s the telephone in the conference room or a coworkers cell, phones are a great landing spot for germs. These items are almost never cleaned in the workplace. A study from the University of Arizona found that office phones were contaminated with more germs than the office toilet seat. Be sure phones are tended to regularly as part of the cleaning routine.

The Candy Bowl

That office candy may be getting you in trouble in more ways then one. Many offices have one of those bowls with candy all in it, and everyone in the office is digging in. It might be best to avoid the office candy and have your own stash somewhere for those moments you need some sweets. You may be avoiding a few pounds, while also avoiding the flu at the same time.

Microwave Door Handles

Nearly every break room has a microwave. These convenient items are used by many and carry lots of germs. These handles are often overlooked during cleaning, so be sure to add them to the cleaning checklist so they don’t become another breeding ground.

Computer Keyboards

Do you work at a computer that is shared by others? Chances are your keyboard is loaded with germs. If you must share a keyboard, make sure to wipe it down and sanitize it often. Either way, keyboards should be added to the routine cleaning checklist.

Light Switches

A light switch is simply a place people do not think of when thinking of germs. The reality is they are touched by numerous people in the workplace. These are another often-overlooked part of the office that should be regularly sanitized.

Sink Handles

Hopefully people are washing their hands when leaving the restroom. Those handles are still being touched before they are watched though. Try grabbing a paper towel before using the faucet handle if at all possible. Sinks, along with everything else in the bathroom, should be of the highest priority when it comes to cleaning.

In order to prevent these potential hotspots from becoming thriving breeding grounds for nasty germs, be sure they are properly and routinely cleaned. If you’re looking for the proper janitorial supplies in San Marcos, Austin, or the surrounding areas, be sure to contact Business Hygiene of Central Texas to discuss your needs!

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