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Posts Tagged ‘san marcos janitorial supplies


Office Cleaning Tips: The Refrigerator
From your company offering hygiene supplies in San Marcos, TX

Business Hygiene

business sanitization san marcos janitorial supplies
Sanitation Tips

While the majority of businesses ensure that desks, floors, and restrooms are meticulously cleaned, the office refrigerator is often left out. Old lunches or dairy products can remain so long that they become an office joke. However, keeping your work refrigerator clean is an important part of office health and safety. Proper Cleaning First off, […]

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Tips for Effectively Cleaning Commercial Carpet
From Your Experts on Janitorial Supplies in San Marcos TX

Business Hygiene

cleaning carpet san marcos janitorial supplies
Sanitation Tips

For many people, an office space acts as a home away from home because many professionals end up spending as much or more time at the office than at their actual home. Because of this, great care should be taken in choosing the decor so you that you can provide a space where you, employees, […]

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Benefits Of Touchless Fixtures In Your Business Restrooms
From Your San Marcos TX Janitorial Supplies Experts

Business Hygiene

restroom supplies san marcos janitorial supplies
Sanitation Tips

There are several benefits of touchless fixtures in your business restrooms. Having a touchless restroom not only reduces the overall contact with germs, but minimizes the time spent on maintaining and refilling products; all while saving money. Preventing Bacteria The first benefit is to help prevent the spread of bacteria in the bathroom. There are […]

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Benefits of Hand Sanitizer
Tips from Your Experts on San Marcos TX Janitorial Supplies

Business Hygiene

air freshener for business hand sanitizer san marcos janitorial supplies
Sanitation Tips

Convenience Because we are constantly coming and going from various commitments, it can feel almost impossible to wash your hands with soap and water as often as the Center for Disease Control recommends. The CDC website lays out these moments when it is necessary to wash your hands, but you can probably think of some […]

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Why Restroom Management is Good for Your Business
From A San Marcos Janitorial Supply Company

Business Hygiene

janitorial supplies san marcos tx san marcos janitorial supplies
Sanitation Tips

There are so many facets to running a business. You have to focus on branding, clientele, staffing, work space, expenses, taxes, insurance, and the list goes on and on. It can be easy, with this laundry list of tasks and checklists, to forget about taking care of the basics. However, forgetting the basics, like restroom […]

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What Is Cedar Fever? [INFOGRAPHIC]
Improving Office Hygiene in San Marcos

Business Hygiene

san marcos janitorial supplies
Air Quality

When winter hits in Texas, it’s that time when cedar pollen is at its worst. You might also call it “Cedar Fever.” If you’re someone who is prone to this allergy, then check out this infographic for information on how to prevent the symptoms and reduce the allergens in your home and workplace. If you’re […]

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Using Hygiene Cleaning Supplies To Prevent Flu at Your Workplace

Business Hygiene

janitorial supplies san marcos tx san marcos janitorial supplies
Sanitation Tips

No one likes getting sick, and it is even worse when the coughs, fevers and sneezes make you and your members of staff to stay away from the workplace. Unfortunately, it just only takes one employee to fall sick to make the whole group of staff members to come down with flu. But what preventative […]

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